Some Azawakhs have an inverted mask, which is a lighter color than the
rest of the coat that encompasses the muzzle and extends behind the
This particularity is called "grizzle" in the Saluki or "domino" in the Afghan.
It was thought that this reversed mask, although most of the time less marked than in these other sighthounds, could be the effect of the same gene as for the Saluki or the Afghan.
In 2010, a Canadian study aimed at looking for the Grizzle gene in the Saluki made it possible to discover the gene, named "EG" (from the E locus and G for Grizzle), responsible for these inverted masks. It has also been proven to be responsible for the Domino in the Afghans and Borzoi. But none of the Azawakhs tested since carried this EG gene.